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VLAN Aggregation for Efficient IP Address Allocation

The project I chose to summarize on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) website was RFC: 3069, VLAN Aggregation for Efficient IP Address Allocation. Within this project, the authors point out how inefficiently a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) allocates IP addresses along with their proposed solutions. I have also attached a diagram showing how the network would look pertaining to this project. Currently, an IP subnet would be made for each existing customer by understanding how many hosts they currently need and may need in the future. Based on that total number, the IP subnet and gateway address would change according to how many hosts the customer requested. For example, if a customer has indicated that they need ten hosts, and they only use five, the additional five that are not in use cannot be used by another customer. An illustration of this is shown below. The proposed solution to this problem is to allocate IP addresses under the same IP subnet and gateway address uti
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